Violin Insider

Insights & reflections on rare stringed instruments and fine bows


E.Sartory a Paris
Eugène Sartory's evolutions

One of the greatest French bow makers of all time, Eugène Sartory is known for his 'three periods' of bow making. Violin Insider explored the deeper waters of these periods by speaking to some of the world's foremost specialists.

Violin case collection
A case of perfection

Often neglected are the cases that hold and protect great instruments, Violin Insider searches for what makes the heart and soul of the finest and most beautiful cases, from Hill & Son's to Musafia.

Musafia Master Series
An expert's view of innovation in case design

While navigating the twisty road towards the future of violin case construction, Violin Insider embarks on the journey with the help of master case builder Dimitri Musafia.